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100% Free


38% African American / Black, 29% Hispanic / Latino, 12% Asian /Pacific Islander, 10% Caucasian, 4% Native American and 7% Other.


86%  Young Girls & Women, 12%  Boys and 2% Non-Binary


33% Middle School, 42% High School, 21% College / Recent Grads, 4% Early Professionals


Our programs are designed for young girls and women seeking to gain insights, skills and experience across all industries informed by dialogue, experiential learning, guidance, and critique. We’re always exploring ways to engage emerging talent in new and exciting fields. 


Our programs consists of unique interactive curriculums that provide an understanding in the application of business and STEM across industries. We expose participants to industries such as: Entertainment, Advertising, Fashion, Information Technology, Agriculture, and Life Sciences. 


We seek to cultivate well-rounded agile talent with multifaceted insights and transferrable capabilities. Our programs are designed so that participants will be able to transfer knowledge and skills across all subject areas allowing them to analyze and find solutions to new problems.


We use Project Based Learning (PBL) because of its natural application of extensive hands-on engagement. Participants work on solving real-world problems (locally or globally) by developing solutions using evidence gathered through research, collaboration and mentorship. 


Participants in our program are continuously creating, learning and advancing their skills on multiple levels. Our curriculum helps them to gain invaluable insights into their capabilities while discovering what they’re passionate about. 


Our interactive curriculums engage participants in real world scenarios while cultivating 21st-century skills.  We aim to educate, empower, and inspire talent particularly in communities that lack the infrastructure and resources to foster innovation in this ever-changing technology driven world.


However you choose to contribute, you can make a difference.